Season 25, Episode 6: Attack of the Galactic Ninjas

"Attack of the Galactic Ninjas"
Episode 6
Air Date: March 3rd, 2018

It's been a while since we've had a story arc centered around a group of new foes for a team of Power Rangers to battle throughout a series of episodes.  I remember the Five Fists of Poison from Jungle Fury and the Ten Terrors from Mystic Force.  Clearly a far more powerful team than the rangers themselves....yet they were sent out or attacked the rangers one at a time per episode.  I'd say the best and STILL arc for this type of story were the Psycho Rangers in In Space.  Who actually were incredibly powerful facing the rangers when it was just one or two of them and more then that required a hell of a lot more thinking in battle to beat them.  The Galactic Ninjas were quickly set up at the end of last episode and here....they don't leave much of an impression than your regular monster of the week.  Sure they have interesting features about them like their own Ninja medallions that even Odius decides to take one of after one of them battles the rangers and the fact they have their very own foot soldiers: the Foxbots.  But outside of being powerful enough to withstand the the final attack of the Ninja Ultrazord, so far.....they are leaving A LOT to be desired.  I can't really form my complete opinion of them yet as there is more to see, especially from the other 3 ninjas but here, Wolvermean (Go with it as usual! Yay! O_O) doesn't really leave the rangers fearing their new all.

He's shown that the Galactic Ninjas have their own special ninja moves and powers that they can use to outsmart, even counter the rangers but it doesn't take long before Calvin and Levi outsmart him to gain their friends' memories back.  Yes, he steals 4 of the rangers' memories.....but one wonders what his ultimate objective was.  I mean he could have stolen their memories and threatened the rangers into giving him their power stars or put their memories in a safe place on the ship; leading to Levi and Preston having to sneak on the ship and run into the whole team for a serious smack down that shows even more how dangerous they are...but nope! They get their memories back from him like he was any ole monster.  Yeah, you survived their attack but you first battle with the rangers was kind of embarrassing and you had your own foot soldiers too??!!! O_o

But I do have to say, I found the civilian dilemma at hand this week to be refreshingly mature for the show with Calvin dealing with the possibility of Hayley cheating on him with Preston when the two start spending too much time together.  Now I know it doesn't exactly make sense why Hayley would want to surprise Calvin with her stage debut instead of telling him and needing his support but I can understand with her being so afraid and nervous, she was just so focused on facing her fear instead of looking for Calvin's support.  She's always seemed like the most supportive and motherly one in the relationship while Calvin was more goofy, laid back.  Of course, Mick has to pretty much SPELL out the lesson for Calvin when he freaks out but I'm glad he managed to try to talk to Hayley and giving her the benefit of the doubt.  Meh! They're still teenagers and misconceptions get in the way all the time, so I can see that! :P  Overall, I liked the main plot with the potential affair drama while the new arc being set up for the new villains has some potential as well.  I just hope it's better represented than this episode so far. :(

Final Morph: B-


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