Season 25, Episode 10: Dimensions In Danger
"Dimensions In Danger"
Episode 10
Air Date: August 28th, 2018
Well, at least we can say that was a far better anniversary episode (And sadly, better anniversary season! O_o) than "Legendary Battle". As a whole, "Dimensions In Danger" was a mostly successful tribute to the past 25 years of Power Rangers by reminding us of the extensive ranger history as well as giving the Super Ninja Steel Rangers their place among the legacy of past teams....but it does have some serious shortcomings! One being that this should have been a proper two parter instead of a one off episode. There's a lot of exposition here with so much information to catch up on and know about. Who's Lord Draven??? How do the past rangers know about him??? How did the 3 universes of rangers meet to create some kind of Ranger syndicate type alliance to protect all dimensions??? It's all really awesome and everything but an extensive tribute anniversary special with two parts would have been both much more exciting and informal than just going along for the ride as this episode is essentially. Now I know "Forever Red" was just a one off....but that's because the history of the past rangers and villains as well as references to old seasons made it incredibly easy to follow the story and just enjoy the epicness of 10 red rangers joining forces. Serpentara, the Machine Empire, Astro Megaship Mark II etc. are all things we are familiar with and incorporated in a story that's just a continuation of the show's ongoing mythos. Here??? We have no idea who this Lord Draven is yet the rangers seem to know much about him and have faced him before??? O_o
Ummm, is that what the past rangers were doing during Super Megaforce??? Facing off against this Lord Draven in his own dimension??? Also, the anti-universe sounds cool and could be something to explore but we just go there and don't explore the possibilities. Would have been also interesting to see how Odius and her Basherbots got involved??? And I guess I should talk about the one thing people complain most about this anniversary episode I heard: the Tommy Worship. Honestly, I don't mind it! In "Forever Red", Tommy was getting just as much worship and praise by the other rangers....hell, even Bulk and Skull treat him like he was a freakin' celebrity. Now I know you guys will say, "yeah but that was 2002! They've been other ranger teams and awesome rangers, not to mention the team needs to have equal focus." Well, that's really the fault of the episode being a one off, there isn't time to catch up on old rangers and have the legacy team interact with the new team outside of the mission. Love or hate him, Tommy is a major character for the franchise and him getting more worship isn't bad at all. Honestly, if Tommy got all the screentime, which I thought he would, THEN I would agree enough. But considering the return of past 10 rangers and the Super Ninja Steel Rangers part in the story, it could have been far worse. I mean the Ninja Steel Rangers are immediately shown to be capable of not only handling their own opposite the veteran rangers (Unlike the Megaforced team! Hi Gia by the way! :P) but a very capable of handling things on their own while some of the veteran rangers save the rest of their friends.
I actually thought the action was spectacular. They definitely used a more powerful villain from the Sentai for this and it shows in the footage. Great action for me at least! I mean there were stakes with the gap between universe(s) being shattered and an army of Robot Rangers based off some of the rangers' powers. I really loved the final battle with all 16 rangers fighting together; especially Gold and Pink rangers teaming up. Wish we got to see more of TJ in his Space ranger form more during the battle. -_- It was great to see Kat and Rocky back as well....tho Trent and Antonio were just kind of there and Gia....well, at least they chose the least insufferable member of those seasons! Also, it was great to see Wes, Gemma and Koda again; each representing their own universe and showing the rangers of each universe have been keeping in touch; showing all their battles in their worlds have some multi-versal merit. Does that mean the Morphing Grid transcends time, space and dimensions??? I think that's what Gemma was indicating by saying traveling between worlds causing an unstabling of the Morphin Grid! Makes sense I guess! I wish I could talk about the Morphin Masters since that seems more apparent in "Dino Fury" right now but when I get there unfortunately. ;) Also, Gemma is mentally stable??? Wish we heard her talk about THAT and mention Gem??? :( Also, Koda being back is awesome and funny with Yoshi and his brother who plays Preston get to interact onscreen. But man, this just left me wanting too much more despite everything turning out okay in the end.
And of course, it's always great to see Tommy again and the introduction of the Master Morpher was pretty badass!!! Once again, seeing Tommy's various ranger incarnations was awesome; tho I don't get why everyone wants to see him in the Turbo suit when those powers were past on to TJ and yes I know, Kat comes back as Turbo Pink instead of Zeo Pink but Tommy has 5 different ranger incarnations, I think showcasing the ones where he was a more prominent ranger on those teams were better. Tommy's presence in Turbo was so......non-existent as opposed to MMPR, Zeo and Dino Thunder. Besides, everyone is complaining about the Tommy worship yet you want to see more of Tommy morphing into other ranger powers??? As for Dravern.......he's just the villain for the big anniversary episode despite being so powerful. Seriously...who is this guy??? The rangers destroy him without us really getting to know why he was even a threat before his master plan of multi-dimensional rule. O_o Maybe a quick backstory on how the past rangers encountered him??? How he crossed dimensions to alert the rangers of each universe and how they got to know each other??? Jesus Christ, give us a "Crisis on Infinite Earths" type DC event with this anniversary and have Draven want to destroy all universes so the anti-universe can only exists; forcing rangers to unite from different worlds for such a massive threat! Ehhhhhhh! So many questions! So many possibilities but I guess we should be thankful we got a pretty decent anniversary episode for once after the previous two were "Once a Ranger" and "Legendary Blasphemy"??? :P
Final Morph: B-
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