Season 12, Episode 24: A Ranger Exclusive

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"A Ranger Exclusive"
Episode 24
Air Episode: July 31st, 2004

I don't know what it is about this episode but I just...Idk...didn't find it really remarkable...more passable....even forgettable in the end.  Honestly, it's not even a bad episode at all and actually advances Mesagog's personal machinations for reverting the Earth back to the days of the dinosaurs and destroying all human life as we know it...yet, I don't know.  I found it all kind of...meh!  Maybe it has something to do with Cassidy being front and center when it comes to the main plot of the story this week??? O_o Turns out, Ethan is really into Cassidy as Kira discovers but Ethan quickly reaffirms her that they are just friends and Cassidy has more depth to her than Kira realizes.  Ethan even urges Kira to get to know her better by seeing if she can get Cassidy the newest available reporter position at the news station she's working at and actually goes out on a limb for her when her boss isn't convinced.  Now I get it, this was an episode to show Cassidy in a more sympathetic and convincing as a decent human being but even at the end when she is thanking Kira for helping her with getting the job, it just doesn't feel genuine to me at all.  Maybe I'm just over the forced gimmick of Cassidy and Devon that I just can't take them seriously even when the writers are giving them substance to work with instead of annoying, grating slapstick. O_O

Anyway, so Mesagog's plan this episode is to harness a satellite to transmit a beam that will be strong enough to destroy Jupiter, throwing the entire solar system out of whack and causing galactic genocide so the Earth will be his to convert to the Dino Age 2.0.  A very ambitious and needlessly elaborate plan but at least Mesagog is doing something and working toward his overall goal instead of berating his minions all season for failing him while he does nothing but look stupid and complain about his idiot nieces and NO I won't let Lothor and company go! -_- Anyway, after the Dino Thunder Rangers thwart his plans at the spectacular beginning of the episode, Mesagog soon creates a mechanical virus monster called....Jupitor....cause I guess the writer who comes up with the monster pun names was sick that week! O_o  Yeah, he creates this monster to affect a MUCH bigger satellite at the news station after Kira stops a squad of Tyrannodrones from infiltrating it.  Soon the rangers for a plan to take down both the virus and the Evil White Ranger once the virus takes effect and  the satellite beam begins messing with Jupiter itself  As the trio of rangers morph, we finally get to see Trent's own morphing sequence which is pretty badass with the tornado effect that forms his suit before the helmet appears.  Neat! :)

Anyway, once at the station, Trent, Kira and Ethan head for the control room to stop the virus while Connor deals with White Ranger Part II! Of course, Elsa and a squad of Tyrannodrones intercept the three rangers as they begin to fight their way to the top.  The White Ranger and Connor fight; with Connor needing to unleash his stupid Super Dino mode to fight him so he can pull off a quick victory.  Meanwhile, Elsa is becoming too much for the three; leaving Trent to take her on by himself while Kira and Ethan go help Connor by giving him the power he needs to go Triassic.  Oh and apparently, in this episode, Hayley made it possible for Kira and Ethan to stay morphed after contributing their power to Connor so kudos! While the Triassic Ranger fights the Super Dino mode powered White Ranger, Trent scores a victory against Elsa; forcing her to retreat.  Meanwhile, Ethan and Kira make their way to the control room finally and force the monster to revert back to his 50 feet tall form before he corrupted the satellite.  After Connor owns the White Ranger with his sword mode for the Shield of Triumph, he returns to reality to summon the Mezodon Rover....or Triassic Rover he calls it this episode??? O_o  Oh and the Triassic Ranger can just toss aside fully grown monsters??!!! WOW!!! Overpowered much!  But anyway, we are introduced to the megazord form of the Triassic Rover aka the Mezodon Megazord and the thing, design wise, looks pretty awesome.  Of course with this new megazord, Connor is able to single-handedly defeat Jupitor (Seriously, huh???) and stop the effects of the beam from harming Jupiter's atmosphere; thus saving the day.  Oh and Cassidy and Devin managed to film it and get the scoop.  How nice for them...they can be competent...besides her falling into a puddle of mud surrounded by pigs this episode.  Anyway....a pretty good episode overall.  I don't know.  I just wasn't blown away by it.  Is by Dino Thunder high finally wearing down??? O_o  Hmmmm....

Final Morph: B-


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