Season 12, Episode 12: White Thunder, Part 2

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"White Thunder, Part 2"
Episode 12
Air Date: April 24th, 2004

Well, it's eggs all around in this episode where it's race against time when the White Ranger using the drained power from the rangers to awaken his Dragozord which is laying dormant in a dino egg as well as another dino egg near the docks which holds yet another Bio Zord.  Seriously, it's like a freakin' Easter Egg hunt in  Reefside with these things that even Ethan makes a clever joke about it to Conner's smug reaction. O_O  But before that, Trent isn't looking so good when he shows up to work late and manages to pass out in front of the customer in the middle of the hangout place.  Hayley, of course, is very worried and decides to give Trent some days off, even though he is very hesitant at first and wants to work.  Meanwhile, Cassidy proves to be the dumbest person in town as a kid fools her into giving her a DVD footage of the White Ranger...without even checking to see if it was legit to even Devin's shock! Seriously, why does he hang around this girl??? I mean, even if it is for romantic pursuit, hasn't Cassidy proven enough that she isn't worth it from even an intellectual point. I mean even when she approaches the kid (who has possibly the worst ADR I have ever heard for an actor....Jesus!!! O_O), she once again falls for him playing a joke on her and gets foods thrown at her and Devin by a bunch of stupid kids.  I just....I know they are suppose to be comic relief but even Bulk and Skull has moments of competence despite their usual shenanigans but whatever....moving on! -_-

When Tommy spots both locations of the Dino Eggs at the Dino Lab, he splits the rangers into teams of two as Ethan and Tommy go to the docks to get the Dino Egg there while Connor and Kira go to the warehouse to get the other.  Too bad the White Ranger is there continuing to hatch, which forces Connor and Kira to stop him....or at least try in painful fashion! Geeze, you probably should have morphed between confronting him guys, sheesh! O_O They finally do but the White Ranger once again walks through them embarrassingly while Mesagog orders Elsa and Zeltrax to make him a monster to go after the one who stole the Dino Gem from him.  They create and send out Angor, an anchor based monster that begins attacking the city...just at Ethan and Timmy arrive at the docks to scared workers running from a...Parasaur with scissors for a tail....cause POWER RANGERS!!! o_o  Suddenly, Ethan is able to tame the zord while Connor and Kira arrive in time to meet them.  Yeah, the White Ranger was no match for them and they decided to go defend the city in stead since it takes priority over him.  Gotta love how he cockily tells them that as Kira frustratingly agrees with him. lol  So Tommy summons his Brachozord (I swear is it gonna do anything besides be a carrier zord this season?!? O_O) so the rangers can pilot their zords and form the Thundersaurus Megazord to battle Angor.  Meanwhile, Tommy goes after the White Ranger at the warehouse but is immediately intercepted by Zeltrax for yet another one on one fight.  Mind you, this warehouse fight is awesome but it's getting a bit tiresome of Zeltrax just targeting Tommy all the time.  yes, I know you're trying to stop and being a proactive general which is great! But your random beef with him is becoming an annoying obsession dude! Get some help! O_O

Anyway, while the rangers struggle with Angor, they finally use the Parasaur Zord as a new arm attachment which...cuts the monster in pieces before it destroys it.....because! O_o As Zeltrax retreats after Tommy once again owns him in a fight (another reason to back off the Oliver man! :P), Tommy hurries to stop the White Ranger but it's too late as his Dragozord hatches than rises from the Dino Egg it came from.  Not good as the whole city shakes from it's arrival as the rangers are shocked to witness it in front of them as the White Ranger jumps on top of it.  Like Tommy use to jump on his Dragonzord back in the day...awesome!!! As Tommy is astonished by the Dragozord, the episode concludes with both the Dino Rangers and the White Ranger preparing for an epic clash between their zords.... Ehhh, an awesome episode as Part 2 continues the arc of the White Ranger is superb fashion.  Yeah, there are some grating issues like Cassidy's involvement with her dumb investigation and Zeltrax having a hard on for fighting Tommy all the time but this is proving to be the best saga of the show so far.  So kudos!!! :)

Final Morph: A-


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