Season 10, Episode 35: The Master's Herald, Part 1

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"The Master's Herald, Part 1"
Episode 35
Air Date: October 19th, 2002

As we head toward the finish line with these last handful of episodes this season, we get a two parter unlike what you'd expect from such a maligned season like this one.  We get a very strong and focused plot that builds to a shocking and intense conclusion, a script that delves into the raw humanity of two of our recurring villains and a new villain in particular who damn near steals the show from everyone else.  As Mandilok humiliates and chastises Jindrax and especially Toxica, a new Duke Org soon reveals him in the form of Onikage (So we get brilliant villain names like these but stupid one off monster names like Cellphone Org? O_o)  Anyway, Onikage really rejuvenates some excellent momentum this season as he secretly orchestrates a plan that clearly not everyone knows the objective to; even forcing Toxica at one point to briefly question her loyalties and free will.  Once again, this moral ambiguous aspect of the show is barely explored but still it's something more than usual for Wild Force and adds some needed depth to the story.  It also helps that Onikage himself is very sly, sneaky and subtle in how he does things; making him standout out amongst the other villains even more and this is just his introduction episode!  I just LOVE how he comes out of no where and begins manipulating everyone; clearly working for someone else yet to be seen but using his powerful ninja abilities and almost insightful observation of the other villains to use their own insecurities against them.

And it's truly unfortunate that this new masterful villain is so good at his job that is literally costs one of the recurring villain's own life! Honestly, Toxica's death at the hands of Mandilok is one of the most ruthless acts I have ever seen from a villain on this show since Trakeena killed Villimax after merging with Deviot.  The fact that Mandliok adds in "I finally found a good use for you" after the fact is just devastatingly cruel as well as Jindrax's heartbreaking reaction to it.  All this was done brilliantly by the masterful manipulation by Onikage from lying to Toxica about Duke Orgs' horns growing back to using her moment of vulnerability to be so determined to prove herself that she wouldn't even second guess her actions.  Seriously, awesome and astounding work with this villain and how he effects all the others, especially making Mandilok of all villains looking heartless and badass for once because of the overall endgame of Onikage's true master....hmmmmm......

Honestly, the only thing that bothered me this episode and mind you, it's rather minor considering how amazing the rest of it was....BUT I still need to point it out because it is so random and dumb!  After Toxica reveals herself to Princess Shayla and plans to kidnap her for Mandilok, Shayla....sigh....suddenly knows how to fight and begins fighting Toxica.  Yes!  The useless mentor suddenly knows how to defend herself when nothing in the prior 34 episodes, HELL, even in this episode, shows she had any ability too!  The rangers even tell her to stay in the sacred water to remain safe, clearly implying she can't protect herself, so HUH!!? o_O  This last minute attempt to make Shayla useful is just awful writing but a minor annoyance in an episode that is overall spot on in all other areas.  The battles between the rangers and Onikage were sweet; especially Merrick's "wind" sensing ability being useful for once in taking him out multiple times when his illusions would nearly kill the other rangers.  The episode ends with the devastating reality of the rangers' mentor being gone and the team feeling extremely done because of it.  Honestly, I can't think of a better cliffhanger for Part 1 than this! On to Part 2! :)

Final Morph: A+


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