Season 9, Episode 20: Quantum Secrets

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"Quantum Secrets"
Episode 20
Air Date: June 16th, 2001

Sigh....yes, let's just introduce another silly looking battlizer this season....but what's this???  It's a battlizer for the 6th ranger?!!! O_o  Huh, well that's new!!! Hey, maybe it won't be so silly looking like the previous battlizers.......uhhhhhh....anyway, the episode begins with Dr. Zaskin working on harnessing the Quantum Ranger powers for the rest of the Silver Guardians but the morpher proves too advanced for their research.  Here we find out that no one from Bio-Lab and the Silver Guardians know that the Time Force Rangers and their technology are from the future.  Hmmmmm...interesting!!! :)  Anyway, as Nadira and the Cyclobots do their thing by stealing again, the Silver Guardians arrive to stop them soon after.  The Time Force Rangers soon arrive but the Silver Guardians manage to scare her away.  Eric gives off some seriously intimidating words to get a rise out of the Time Force Rangers but Wes just tells Katie and Jen to back down since he's just looking to piss them off.  Meanwhile, Ransik and his forces release a mutant named Conwing who can manipulate his voice like anyone.  He plans to gain control of the Q-Rex by mimicking the Quantum Ranger's voice.  Meanwhile, the rangers are discussing whether to tell Eric that they are from the year 3000 since Trip knows he isn't a bad guy.  Jen seems to be on the fence about it as well as Wes.

Soon, we see a bit of Eric's home life as we see he has pet birds.....then....some evil spawn of shortness comes over to play with them.  Ok seriously, she's not a bad child actor but then a group of mysterious men come to take him away.  They are clearly Ransik's forces in disguise, so Eric decides to go with them so the little girl can be left unharmed.  They take Eric to a bridge outside of town where they reveal themselves to be Conwing and two Cyclobots.  They threaten Eric to summon the Q-Rex as they take his morpher but he refuses.  When Conwing threatens to go back and get the little girl, he gives in and summons the Q-Rex.  Once it arrives, Conwing uses his device to sound like Eric and control it.  As the other rangers arrive, Eric tries to escape in the river but gets shot by Conwing. Luckily Jen goes after him while the other rangers deal with Conwing and the Q-Rex now in megazord mode. As the rangers realize Conwing has control over the Q-Rex, they get Circuit to summon the Time Shadow to help defend themselves against it.

Meanwhile, Jen tends to an unconscious Eric who wakes up with his arm badly injured bu bandaged by Jen.  What follows is another very well acted scene as Jen and Eric get into it about his attitude and animosity against the rangers.  Eric soon let's slip that he know Jen and the other are from the future since Conwing spilled the beans earlier when he called the Q-Rex.  Jen tries to get Eric to keep it a secret but Eric says "He won't make ANY promises!" Anyway, as the Time Shadow gets owned by the Q-Rex, the other 4 rangers battle Conwing and some Cyclobots until Jen arrives to help but gets blasted as well.  Soon Eric arrives as well to get his morpher back but when Conwing orders the Q-Rex to destroy Eric, we get a hilarious chase scene of Eric running from it! LMAO!!! All jokes aside, Eric manages to use Jen's V-weapon to fire at Conwing and get his morpher back.  He orders the Q-Rex to stop just in time as Conwing grows to destroy the city after blasting the Q-Rex.  As Eric morphs, he leaves the other rangers behind to defeat Conwing himself...but gets intercepted by some Cyclobots who begin to kick his ass.

Suddenly mysterious future guy watching Eric sends him....sigh....information to summon his new battlizer as the Q-Rex shoots it out of his chest to reveal....Eric in....rollerblades!!?? O_o  Cause remember....Power Rangers right??? Honestly, the rollerblades are the only overt silly thing about it as the rest of it is pretty awesome but dude.....why the blades, son??? -_-  Anyway, Eric uses his new Mega Battle (like last season's name for Joel and Chad's battlizers??? What!?) to dispatch the Cyclobots and when Conwing goes after his little girlfriend, he uses this thing to defeat him.  I just looks over the top and hilarious...but it gets the job done.  Also kid, you ran over to Eric's house while the city is being attacked for some birds???  Oh boy!!!  Anyway, after the rangers capture Conwing in action figure form, Eric just walks away all badass when Wes says they should work together.  At least Eric doesn't mention the rangers being from the future when Mr. Collins starts asking questions there!  Overall, outside the complete absurdity of the roller battlizer, "Quantum Secrets" gives us some great scenes that establish Eric's character does have a heart underneath it all and he is definitely growing as a person.  I love the last scene where Wes is watching Eric connecting with the little girl, confirming Trip's mind read that Eric really is a good guy! Wow.  Time Force is just really hitting me in the feels genuinely this season! :_)

Final Morph: A-


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