Season 10, Episode 39: The End of the Power Rangers, Part 1

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"The End of the Power Rangers, Part 1"
Episode 39
Air Date: November 16th, 2002

Hard to believe that this two part finale was nearly "The End of Power Rangers" both on and off screen as Disney was planning to once again prematurely cancel the show.  So how does this once again potential end of Power Rangers stake up to the previous season enders???  Well, honestly, what I enjoy is how immediate the danger and scope of the situation is built up after the quick realization that this team of rangers' mission is complete.  We get some quick moments of reflection and questioning the future between Max and Danny and especially Cole and Taylor before all hell literally breaks loose as Master Org returns in hideous new form; ready to put his final endgame into motion.  Honestly, the whole sequence of the sacred water exploding as Princess Shayla goes to what so sinister in its set up, it was amazing and truly suspenseful.  Then as the rangers arrive to see the city engulfed in vines, Master Org makes his presence known so the finale battle can begin.  Once again, the production team during these years of the show must be commended for such excellent fight choreography, stunt action and expensive looking explosions as Master Org beats the crap out of the rangers.  I mean when they first charge into him, he knocks them all away without even touching them. WOW!!! o_O

Anyway, as the rangers get their asses handed to them to the point that even Cole's battlizer is useless against Master Org, he begins to grow.  Shayla soon arrives to tell the rangers...that Master Org is too powerful for them and they must come with her.....-_-.....seriously writers, why make Shayla such a pathetic mentor especially when the whole world is in more danger than ever???!! -_-  Luckily, Merrick doesn't listen to her bullsh!t as when Animus arrives to defeat Master Org himself since the rangers aren't apparently powerful, he summons his Wild Zords to join Animus to destroy Master Org.  As the Predazord and Animus team up against Master Org, they are shocked when both finishers are stopped in their tracks by him at the same time! DAMNNNN!!! Animus blasts both of them with the Nexus Blade so bad that the Predazord is destroyed as well as Merrick's morpher disappears and his animal crystals shatter.  As Merrick goes to a defeat Animus who reverts back to Kite, Master Org prepares to destroy them for good but the freakin' Animarium arrives to ram him and bring the two back to safety.  As the rangers and Shayla look on as Kite tells the rangers he is unable to help them any longer, Kite dies in Merrick's arms to the shock and grief of the rangers.

But the battle is just beginning as Master Org spins and arrives onto the Animarium.  I just love the fear and complete dread at him being there as he prepares to destroy them all! But the Wild Zords begin attacking Master Org but unfortunately the Falcon Zord gets destroyed first during their attack.  As the rangers realize the Wild Zords are coming together to protect their him, the 5 original rangers morph in a stunning new morph sequence that it's a shame it was only used here and not more often during the season.  Anyway, as the rangers summon the Conga Megazord, they prepare to do battle with Master Org but he is simply too powerful, needing the help of the other Wild Zords.  When the Deer Zord manages to paralyze Master Org for the moment, the rangers use the opportunity to fire their finisher at him...seemingly destroying him.  But unfortunately, the Org Heart still remains and revives him; giving him the strength to destroy all the other Wild Zords helping the rangers.  As Master Org knocks the rangers out of their Conga Megazord, he finishes off the Wild Zords of that particular megazord, killing them one by one!  Jesus!!! O_O With only the core 5 Wild Zord remaining, the eagerly form the Wild Force Megazord to defeat Master Org and keep fighting.  This is seriously really heartbreaking watching the rangers' primary megazord take a beating like this and just being to weak to finish off Master Org.  As Master Org prepares to destroy the 5 Wild Zords, the rangers look on in complete horror and disbelief as Master Org kills everyone of them, even the leader, Red Lion.  Seriously, WOW! :_(  Without any of the Wild Zords, the rangers' growl morphers all disappear as well as their animal crystals shatter as well.  A gleefully evil Master Org soon strikes the Animarium, forcing it to drop out of the sky as he prepares the world for a new age of Orgs.  As Master Org blackens the sky and an army of Putrids begin attacking everyone in the city, the rangers and Shayla hold tight as the Animarium literally falls to it's doom.  Wow!!! I'm speechless!!!  Such an epic finale and I honestly can't wait for Part 2! :)

Final Morph: A+


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