Season 9, Episode 17: The Legend of the Clock Tower

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"The Legend of The Clock Tower"
Episode 17
Air Date: May 19th, 2001

......ZZzzzzzzzzzz........oh.....hey....ummmm....this's a serious borefest!!! o_O  I mean, one could say this was an interesting time travel episode with some elements of horror with the whole ghost story element....but once Katie is thrust back in time.....the episode gets very and I mean VERY slow.  The story with Walter Brown is about as generic as they come: A meek poet is interesting in a girl named Gwen but he is afraid to stand up to her boyfriend, Drake, because he's a bully.  Katie...uhhh....befriends Walter after he saves her from being run over by some men on horses and she quickly puts the pieces together after remembering Wes' story about the ghost that haunts the Clock tower.

Ok...ummm....Katie tries to boost Walter's confidence to go after Gwen but he continues to cower in the face of Drake.  We get a ridiculous scene of Katie challenging Drake to an arm wrestling match to which she wins...only I'm more concerned why people aren't questioning what she's wearing and the fact she's not a slave....I mean this is colonial times and if we are gonna be historically accurate than Katie being there should be putting her life in danger....thanks Walter Ghost!!! -_-  Anyway, after Gwen warns Walter of Drake and his buddies about to get him, Katie tries to stop him from running and tells him to do it for Gwen.  After a laughable fight between Katie and Drake, his goons manage to hold her even though she has super strength and all but whatever! -_-  Luckily, Walter gains enough confidence to finally stand up to Drake and beat him up to win Gwen's heart.  But it turns out it was all a dream and the episode ends with a very quick and force rehashing of used Sentai footage and a random zord battle with an unknown mutant.  Yeah, that's the episode in a nutshell!

Oh but Katie wasn't dreaming after all and it turns out she altered history thanks to Walter Ghost sending her there.  But what about the serious ramifications for you know....changing the past??? What? We're just going to ignore that??? Ok.....filler at it's finest!!! -_-

Final Morph: D+ 


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