Season 9, Episode 16: Bodyguard in Blue

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"Bodyguard in Blue"
Episode 16
Air Date: May 19th, 2001

Well, it wouldn't be Power Rangers if we didn't have some kind of episode devoted to some annoying brat for 20 minutes!!! -_-  Luckily, "Bodyguard in Blue" is the least inoffensive of these kinds of episodes but still, Holly has her moments when I was thinking about reaching into the screen and choking a b!tch!!!  I think what helped was that the plot of the episode wasn't so bad and was structured pretty well.  It opens with Mr. Collings announcing that since Eric is now the new leader of the Silver Guardians, he is putting his best scientist, Dr. Zaskin, in charge of researching the Quantum Ranger powers to make every member of the team have assess to ranger weaponry.  Wes, of course, is pissed that his father just won't stop finding ways to exploit the ranger powers for money just as Mr. Collins finishes meeting up with Dr. Zaskin about his research and the future of Bio-Lab.  Next, we see...sigh....Dr. Zaskin heading to work the next morning but saying goodbye to his daughter Holly before hand.  Jorden Claire Green isn't a bad actress and is doing a decent job but my goodness, what is with these children and their attachment to stuffed bears on this show??? Ehhhh....

Anyway, as Dr. Zaskin gets kidnapped by Nadira and another mutant (which I'm forgetting his name) as they order the Cyclobots to after her.  After managing to escape, Holly comes across Lucas after making a fool of some guy who is giving a girl a hard time after they got into a accident.  As Lucas goes back into his car, Holly demands he be his bodyguard but Lucas is more adamant about taking her home.  Meanwhile, Nadira and the mutant are torturing Dr. Zaskin who refuses to tells them about his research but when Nadira threatens his daughter, he begins to get frightened.  As Lucas drives her home, Holly mentions the "robots" coming after her and Lucas pulls over to quickly keep with Trip to see if her story is legit.  Trip and the other rangers confirm she is telling the truth just as Cyclobots try to take her.  After Lucas saves her and quickly drives off, the little brat gives him a hard time for almost getting her kidnapped.  Awwwww, I can't wait until your stupid bear gets it!!! :)

Anyway, as Lucas and Holly drive away, the mutant intercepts the them and jumps onto the car.  As Lucas drives side to side to get him off, the other rangers manage to find Dr. Zaskin and confront Nadira and the Cyclobots.  As Lucas heads to a nearby quarry, he and Holly get out the damaged car so he can tell her to go somewhere safe while he fights the mutant.  During their fight, Lucas decides to morph in front of Holly; revealing he's the Blue Time Force Ranger.  As the two battle, the other four rangers manage to defeat the Cyclobots and save Dr. Zaskin but Nadira holds him hostage by threatening to hurt him.  Soon Eric and the Silver Guardians arrive to help as Nadira soon teleports away from being greatly outnumbered.  As the Guardians take Zaskin away, he quickly thanks the rangers for their help and Wes mentions to Eric to take good care of Zaskin.  Meanwhile, Lucas is getting his ass kicked by the mutant as Holly tries to defend him.  She gets her bear blasted for her stupidity and HAHAHAHAHA....anyway, as she mourns her dead stuffed bear, Lucas gets all tough and beats the crap out of the mutant all of sudden; even doing a cool tornado spin move to avoid an assault of explosions! Awesome!  As Holly cheers him on, the other rangers arrive to help as the mutant makes himself grow.  As Lucas contacts Circuit, he summons the Time Flyers to form the Time Force Megazord Mode Red.  Soon the Time Shadow also arrives to form the Shadow Force Megazord Mode Red.  But suddenly during the fight, Eric arrives with the Q-Rex; being all cocky and telling the other rangers to stay out of his way, lol.  They unintentionally combine finishers to defeat the mutant.  The episode ends with Lucas returning Holly back to her father but not before giving her another bear (EHHH!! -_-) and sharing a touching which the other rangers give him a hard time about.  Overall, it was a decent episode despite the glaring annoyances of Holly's initial attitude.  There have been MUCH worse child actors/characters and the episode was overall enjoyable for what it was.

Final Morph: C+


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