Season 9, Episode 14: Clash For Control, Part 1

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"Clash For Control, Part 1"
Episode 14
Air Date: May 5th, 2001

Let's do this!!! :)  Now with Eric as the Quantum Ranger, it's a race against time literally as he, the the Time Force Rangers and Ransik are setting their sights on the Quantasaurus Rex.  As Nadira is upset about their being 6 rangers now, Ransik plans on get the Q-Rex first as he releases a mutant named Commandocon to go after it in the past.  Meanwhile, the Time Force Rangers confront Eric and demand he gives the Quantum morpher to them but of course, Eric adamant about it belonging to him.  Suddenly, a time portal opens up in the middle of the city as Commandocon prepares to go to the past to get the Q-Rex.  Eric morphs and summons his....TF Eagle.....huh?! O_o  Did that thing come with the Quantum Ranger powers? Confusion!!! O_O  Anyway, Eric cockily plans to go after the Q-Rex on his own by jumping into the TF Eagle and heading toward the portal.  But Wes morphs and jumps on for the ride as Eric heads through the portal and the rest of the rangers are left behind.  After barely hanging on, Wes awakes in the past to a dinosaur flying in the sky.  As Eric approaches him, he tells them they are apparently 150 million years in the past.  I gotta say, the dinosaur animatronics are pretty impressive....until they are attacked by a T-Rex and I can't help but think I'm watching some early 90s live action kids show Land of the Lost! O_o  This horribly looking T-Rex chases and tries to eat Wes and Eric but Wes manages to save Eric's life....again but gets knocked over cliff for his bravery.  I love how Eric AT LEAST shows concern for Wes as he falls to his supposed death.

Meanwhile, back in 2001, the rangers are searching for Wes and Eric throughout time using their future hologram thingy.  Katie asks what are they gonna do if they can't find them and Lucas says that then they are gonna have to find their way back some how to the other rangers' concern.  Meanwhile, Eric finally escapes the poorly rendered clutches of the T-Rex by jumping in between its legs into a nearby cave.  After the T-Rex suddenly departs from not being able to have lunch, Eric knocks over some rocks and explores the cave behind him.  He finds some hieroglyphics that show him the Q-Rex is in a nearby volcano but I'm much more curious as to who drew those drawings.  I don't think humans, even cavemen existed at this point in history so huh???  Anyway, turns out Wes survived his fatal fall.....HOW??? o_O  Guess he could have morphed but there was no indication of that as he was falling so..... I'm just saying, forced dramatic fall was FORCED! -_-  Anyway, Wes happens upon the Q-Rex as he makes his way to the volcano and runs into Commandocon who also has found out where the megazord has been hiding.  Wes confronts him and morphs to stop him from getting the Q-Rex...but gets beaten pretty badly and left outside as Commandocon goes inside.  Commandocon enters and approaches the Q-Rex, telling him he is now under his control as he sends some device to his snout and begins controlling him.

Outside, Wes recovers but runs into Eric who tries to shot at him multiple times to stop him from getting the Q-Rex.  They both fight but are interrupted by the Q-Rex rises from the volanco and enters the time hole as Commandocon heads back to the future.  Eric quickly chases after them with Wes not to far behind as the volcano erupts.  As the ground begins to break and open, Wes becomes trapped and Eric jumps into his TF Eagle and heads to the portal.....DAMNNNN SON, THAT'S COLD!!! O_O  Luckily, before Wes falls to his death...for real this time, Eric comes back to save him....Jesus!!! O_O  What a d!ck!!!  As they make it through the portal, the other rangers notified of the portal opening again as they head to the city.  As the rangers arrive, the Q-Rex and Commandocon return as well as the Q-Rex begins destroying the city!  Wes and Eric soon arrives and as Wes thanks Eric (Again, I might add) Eric just drops him off literally to fall like 50 stories to the ground.  Jesus, this is bad episode for Wes!!! LMAO!!! Anyway, as Eric lands, he tries to get the Q-Rex under his control, but voice activation is locked.  As Wes reunites with the other rangers, they wonder how to stop the Q-Rex's destruction of Silver Hills as Ransik and his forces arrive to soak in their impending victory over the rangers.  Man! All and all, more superb action and plot movement.  But poor Wes was put through the ringer here! Jesus! O_o

Final Morph: A- 


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