Season 8, Episode 30: Trakeena's Revenge, Part 2

“Trakeena's Revenge, Part 2"
Episode 30
Air Date: November 7th, 2000

As I continue to watch these nightmare pair of crossover episodes, I can't help but think who looked at the final product and said, "Man, wait until the kids see this!!!'" -_- Anyway, let's talk about NOT Trakeena, because that is neither the original actress Amy Miller under that outfit or doing Trakeena's ADR! Nope, they even give Trakeena a bizarre face mask to hide the fact. Apparently, Amy wasn't in the mood to reprise her role because of the horrid script and I can't blame her really!!! O_O The Galaxy Rangers continue to be minor characters in this team-up, with most of their screen time being devoted to f^&*ing Heather being a junior ranger!!! Yes, cause who wants to see two ranger teams with two completely different power sources interact much more when we can see Heather sneak into a building to pull a fire alarm!!! :) Yes Carter, a freakin' Power Ranger working for the government, needs Heather to pull a fire alarm to evacuate the building.....

*Begins to play a melody before singing*

"This is a load of sh!t, a BIG OLD LOAD OF SH!T!!!" :)

Anyway, as the fire trucks make their way to the building, the rangers disguise themselves as firefighters to help lead all the people out of the building. Why though??? You're Power Rangers, remember??? Were you trying not to alert TriSkull and Trakeena to your presence??? I just....I don't understand this completely overly elaborate and dumb plan. O_O Meanwhile, Olympius has been spying on TriSkull and learns of him double crossing the demons to help make Trakeena mutate into her more powerful form. Queen Bansheera, of course, orders Olympius to stop them while Loki and Vipra are eager to help. Great, Loki can be a complete idiot while Vipra bores them to death with her acting skills of a Kardashian reality show!!! :) Oh and Olympius plans to poison Trakeena with some kind of ancient poison and knife....sigh.....

As Carter and NOT Leo make their way to the top of the building, they instamorph simultaneously and face off against TriSkull. After defeating him with his Battle Booster, TriSkull warns the two red rangers about Trakeena's transformation leading to their destruction before dying. As they make their way to the lab, they kick the door down and see all the shrunken being drained of their life energy. Suddenly, another set of Ghouls attack them (Jesus, there's still more of these guys/girls/whatever!? O_o) Both NOT Leo and Carter do their best before they are countered. Luckily, Kendrix and Damon show up after taking their Sabers from the stone as well in a previous scene and arriving just in time. After defeating the rest of the Ghouls, Trakeena reveals herself and blasts the rangers away to Kendrix and Damon's shock at her being alive. As the rest of the rangers listen in on the battle, they set up a landing pad for the 4 rangers when they fall out of the building. As all 10 rangers unite, Olympius arrives with Vipra, Loki and an army of Batlings to destroy both teams. NOT Leo sounds dumb as both teams morph; once again the Gingaman morph being used for the Galaxy Rangers for some reason.

I'm sorry, I just don't care for this fight. Not only is it missing the annual explosion right after the team up morph, it's just random cuts between American fight footage and Sentai footage. The building up to this ultimate showdown just wasn't earned and wasted on Heather of all dumb characters. Anyway, Olympius decides to use his poison knife on Trakeena as she begins her transformation. She then morphs into an enormous monster with tentacles that begins attacking the city. As she does, Carter calls on the Omega Megazord as well as Solarzord. As Trakeenazilla kicks both the megazords' asses, the Galaxy Rangers want to help but without the Galactabeasts, they can't. Soon the ugly overgrown stuffed animals arrive as the Galaxy Rangers call on the Lights of Orion and transform the Galatabeasts into the Galactazords.... As the Trakeenazilla prepares to destroy the rangers, the Galaxy Megazord blocks her attack as both the Omega Megazord and it combine forces to destroy her. But the blast from the explosion damages all the zords to the point where the Galactabeasts revert back to their original forms and the Galaxy Rangers are knocked unconscious. As Trakeenazilla begins to move, the Lightspeed Rangers decide to save them before she destroys them. Suddenly, as the Galaxy Rangers wake up, the Lights of Orion power up the Omega Megazord and it's freakin' awesome! The only very few decent things about the episode as the Galaxy Rangers teleport into the cockpit behind their counterparts. They combine forces as the powered up Omega Megazord finishes Trakeenazilla once and for all. The episode ends with Heather reuniting with her parents and Carter officially making her a junior ranger....excuses me...

Anyway, both teams of rangers FINALLY get to interact and it isnt bad, shame it was so brief...I wonder. WHY!?! -_- The episode ends with the Galaxy Rangers returning to Mirinoi but not before saying goodbye to their new allies as they take off into the sky....I have sooooo many questions...Like, why even bother with this team??? Both Danny Slavin and Amy Miller are no show either in person, during ADR or both!!! The script makes no sense on how the Lightspeed Rangers know who the Galaxy Rangers are!!! The plot is ruined because the writers would rather focus on Heather, the insignificant tween than on the Galaxy Rangers interacting with this season's team!!! These episodes like I said, should have been scrapped if it wasn't going to be done right! Outside of the powered up Omega Megazord and the only scene in two episodes of both teams spending time together, these episodes are some of the worst episodes of the franchise, NOT just team-up episodes. God, save yourself and skip these two incompetent half hours of writing failure, insulting ADR and child actor buffoonery!!!

Final Morph: F-


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