Season 8, Episode 26: The Mighty Mega Battles

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"The Mega Mighty Battles"
Episode 26
Air Date: October 28th, 2000

Omg!!! I can't!!! I can't hold back an urge to rant this time!!! -_-  It's bad enough Ms. Fairweather is a b!tch to Joel; constantly cock teasing him and making him look like a fool in front of the other rangers but THIS episode!!? O_O  We learn she has seriously incestuous relationship with her brother!! I'm sorry but in their right mind would treat their brother so intimately and romantically like that!? O_o  When Clark's name is brought up by Captain Mitchell in front of the rangers, she's practically blushing over this guy and doesn't immediately mention that' know...HER BROTHER!!! I mean it's no wonder Joel got the wrong impression!!!  Making himself look like an idiot in front of Clark just to impress Ms. Fairweather!!!  I mean who says "I love a man with a complex mind" about their own brother and holds his arm walking away!!! Oh God, I'm gonna be sooooo sick!!!

Joel, for the love of God, leave this woman alone.  I mean she finally gives Joel a well deserved compliment and just brushes it off because her brother is back in town and romanticizes her???  I just....Ms. Fairweather is a disgusting b!tch, I'm sorry, there are no other words to describe her.  Joel may have messed up and acted childish but it's because Ms. Fairweather is always leading him on and rejecting him in front of everyone.  I know Joel can be an overconfident, cocky bastard but its moments in this episode like when goes up against Infintor by himself and saving Clark's life to risk his own shows that he is ultimately a good guy who is just seeking a woman who wants him for who he really is!  Yes, Ms. Fairweather is contributing to his low self esteem and overcompensating by using his fame to fill a void he's trying to desperately fill by her but NOPE!!! She cries over Clark like he's her husband and practically ignores Joel's heroics.  Did she forget Joel saved her earlier this season??? Ehhhh...whatever....

As Infintor attacks, we get the first instamorph of the season and it's really awesome! Although, Joel....ummm....I can see your bulge!!! LMAO!!! Chad also does an awesome instamorph as they combine forces against him but he's too powerful.  Luckily, Clark and Ms. Fairweather have been of course working on a new weapon for both Joel and Chad called the "Mega Battles" aka the first real battlizers for rangers who aren't red!  They're pretty cool with Chad's battlizer able to freeze things automatically with his freeze cannon and Joel's having cool razor sharp cranes! Neat!!! As the rest of the rangers arrive, they are amazed by the new battlizers as Chad freezes Infinitor and Joel finishes him off.  But the fight isn't over as Jinxer makes him grow and we get a pretty intense zord fight.  Seriously, what is with Olympius always darkening the sky now during these zord battles??? O_o  Anyway, when the Lightspeed Megazord and Max Solarzord aren't enough to finish him off; the rangers summon the Omega Megazord as it uses the Lightspeed Megazord Saber to finish off Infinitor forever!  The episode ends with Ms. Fairweather's disgusting revelation as Clark leaves and I LOVE how the other rangers once again laugh at Joel's expense! -_-  Ummm, didn't Chad also think Clark was making the moves on Ms. Fairweather??? Doesn't anyone else think that revelation is truly vomit inducing considering how they've been acting around each other??? Ewwwww, this season man!!! *GROAN*!!! -_-

Final Morph: D-


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