Season 8, Episode 21: The Fifth Crystal

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"The Fifth Crystal"
Episode 21
Air Date: September 16th, 2000

Oh. FOR THE LOVE OF...!!! *Headdesk* What is it with this show and these downright AWFUL crazy grandma episodes??!!! O_o I mean I get it, Kelsey has this overly rich, spoiled and seflish grandmother but my goodness, the way this potentially touching story could have ended; it ends with Kelsey's grandmother turning into a complete nutjob by the end of it to save her!? O_o  I mean the plot of the episode started well enough with Vipra and a duo of Batlings going all Mission Impossible on some building by stealing a rare crystal.  Turns out, the demons are building a large ray gun to be powered by 5 crystals; lead by a monster named Moleman who needs only one more crystal to power up the thing.  Fair enough, so when Lightspeed Rescue learns of the ray gun being built, Captain Mitchell introduces the rangers to Agent Myers; leader of a special task force who needs to rangers help in finding and protecting the last crystal from Vipra.  Turns out, Kelsey knows where the last crystal is as her grandmother owns it.  Kelsey, along with Carter, go to her grandmother's home as she is filthy rich and is the biggest old b!tch to walk the Earth as she cares more about her priceless crystal than her daughter and the fact that she' know...a Power Ranger protecting the city and all!!!

Luckily, her grandmother finally hands it over but of course, giving Kelsey some parting words aka a blatant threat about losing that crystal since it's been past down from generation to generation in their family.  Anyway, Kelsey, alongside the task force, stage some kind of set up to draw Vipra out as the rest of the rangers stand by.  Soon, Vipra comes out of nowhere in that absolutely idiotic Vipari again!!! -_-  Anyway, as they attack, I can't help but wonder why they didn't just set up a decoy for Vipra and the demons to follow instead of luring them to the actual last crystal! Anyway, as the fight breaks out, Vipra almost gets her hand on the last crystal until the other rangers arrive and assist.  After the fight and Carter retrieving all 5 crystals, Kelsey hands them over to Agent Myers...unfortunately, it turns out Agent Myers was possessed by Moleman during the fight and he steals all 5 crystals back.  The rangers are shocked and for some reason, Kelsey immediately goes back to her grandmother's to tell her what happened.  She a big old b!tch about it and tells Kelsey to leave.  Before Carter goes after her, he makes a comment about her having "all this" but having "nothing in here". Yup, pretty much! As Sasha Criag delivers a very laughable performance as Kelsey cries, Carter tries to cheer her up but Kelsey just says she failed and runs off.  Meanwhile, she runs into some Batlings driving some cargo away (How they don't recognize her is beyond me! O_o) but she sneaks onto the truck as they make their way to a factory where Vipra and Moleman have all 5 crystals.

Sigh, what follows is a hilariously over the top fight sequence of Kelsey trying to save the day and get the crystal back as she....roller skates around the Batlings!? O_o  I mean she could just morph....WTF?! o_O  Anyway, Queen Bansheera sends Loki and Olympius to keep the other rangers busy as Carter looks form where Kelsey might be at Lightspeed and the rangers are called out to stop them.  Meanwhile, Kelsey is stopped by the Batlings as they just...take her roller skates away and Moleman prepares the ray gun.  Suddenly, Kelsey's grandmother comes out of no where; storming in to save her on one of those cargo machines.  I just....-_-...anyway, she gets knocked down and begins...of god, I can't even!!! This is so stupid!!! Kelsey escapes, saves her grandmother as they get to safety from the explosion of the ray gun.  They have a forced tender moment of her grandmother telling her she came for the most precious thing to her...her granddaughter......awwwww?? -_-  Anyway, Kelsey goes off to help the other rangers against Olympius and Loki as they've been getting their asses handed to them so far.  The rangers manage to fight them off and when Moleman joins the fight, Kelsey leads the charge in destroying him with the combined force of their V-Lancers.  The episode ends with Kelsey and her now batsh!t grandma races off for some fun while the other rangers are baffled by the immense absurdity of the whole thing.  Ewwwwww, this episode SUCKED!!!  I have no words.  The ray gin storyline was fine and Kelsey's grandmother story had potential like I said, but it's all spoiled by how dumb it's written!  The resolution of the episode is rushed and I can do without seeing an old actress play fighting with a Batling....*Shivers*!!! O_O

Final Morph: F


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