Season 2, Episode 15: Prodigal

Episode 15
Air Date: February 11th, 2003
Oh look, it's one of those leading men from "The Vampire Diaries" before that show in a guest spot. Oh "The Vampire Diaries"....I could NEVER get into that show thanks to the "Twilight" craze at the time of the show's most popular run. I just can't take vampire stories from the late 2000s into the mid 2010s seriously since they became romanticized fantasies for teenage girls instead of horrifying, bloodthirsty metaphors for vulnerability and seduction. O_o But I digress, "Prodigal" is a pretty strong if not a bit confusing outing in the ever tension filled Luthor family storyline for the show. Turns out, not only is Lionel's illegitimate song, Lucas alive, as we found out at the end of "Lineage" but Lex has been secretly tracking him done and finds him just in time before a gang of pissed off Chinese thugs take him out in an alley way. After that action packed into to the little lost Luthor, we get are long overdue reunion between Lionel and Lucas. Lex seems to be using Lucas as a means to get his company back and one up his father in their corporate clashing. Too bad Daddy Luthor is always too steps ahead of Lex and manages to get to Lucas before Lex can coerce him into helping him buy back his company! It's hard to see Lex been literally shoved out the door with nothing after his father betrays him like that but it really goes to show just how ruthless and powerful Lionel is as the show's unofficial overarching villain during these early years of the show.
I also find it hilarious how he goes to the Kents for refuge and earns his keep by doing chores on the farm. Awwwww, Lex is so humble here and it's sad once again that all of this humanity in him will be sacrifice for a much darker calling in his life. But I'm glad he didn't stay there for too long, as much as I love Lex, Jonathan was right to tell Clark not to leave him alone on the farm given how he's way too curious considering his investigation of Clark last year. One surprising aspect I didn't see coming in this episode was Chloe actually vouching for Clark when Lana doesn't want to hire him to work at the Talon. Color me shocked and wondering if Chloe was temporarily possessed by a good person this episode that was NEVER shown but usually when Clark and Lana are about to get closer in any form, Chloe is ready to pounce on both of them with her borderline evil passive aggressiveness toward the idea of them in the same room alone. I guess writers Kelly Sounders and Brian Peterson decided to give Clark a break this episode, especially after the heartless way Lana through that rose into the trash. Funny how it's still there at the beginning of this much time has passed by for that thing to still be there??? Talk about even more cruel to keep it there if Clark stops by, WOW!!! O_O Stop sh!tting on our future Superman guys! -_- Ewwwwwww! Of course even after being hired, it doesn't work out (what a surprise! SMDH!!!) and Lana needs to have some last word lamenting that things will never change between them while Clark walks out all defeated and mopey.....ehhhh, back to good parts of the episode shall we!!! -_-
I love how the sudden Luthor siblings reveal brings out a bit of jealousy in Clark, especially during that basketball game between him and Lucas. Jesus, Tom really plays frustration and cockiness well....I'm starting to feel he was even a much more capable actor here but severely limited by the typical boy scout routine of his character. Also, I find the final showdown between Lionel and his sons puzzling....what Lex and Lucas in on it the whole time??? Why did he knock out Jonathan and how was there no consequences for that??? O_O Clearly, Clark manages to somewhat save the day without being noticed but that whole exchange between Lionel almost killing Lucas just to not hurt Lex is chilling but also confusing!!! I guess the whole point was to show Lionel was the real enemy all along but it felt a bit too elaborate for me. Surprised Clark didn't just superspeed knock Lucas out and free Lex in mere seconds like he usual does but whatever. The script, despite its perplexing resolution, has some amazing moments here and there, like Lucas signing Lionel's contract and hilariously revealing that Lionel can see again. Oh the fact he's been faking it for weeks just to see what people would do right in front of him since he can't see....Lionel really is the smug of all smug bastards I tell you. Also, it's a same Lucas kind of disappears after this episode and we never get any build on his character or what happens to him. But I guess that's why we go another Luthor sibling down the line to take over the Luthor dynasty (Wait for Season 8! ;) "Prodigal" may have some issues, the good is really spectacular at times like that very thrilling opening teaser as well as Lucas throwing that 8 ball to force Lionel to reveal he can see. Really brilliant stuff sprinkled around Clark's pathetic attempt at getting back into Lana's good graces....which I don't see why. The guy is clear always saving the day and trying to stop things from getting worse as usual, but Lana just can't help but remind Clark how much he disappoints her. Ehhhh give me a break! o_o
Final Kryptonite: A-
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