Season 16, Episode 7: Pizza Slice of Life

 Power Rangers Jungle Fury - Pizza Slice of Life - Camille vs Naga ...
"Pizza Slice of Life"
Episode 7
Air Date: March 24th, 2008

This certainly turned out to be a MUCH better episode than that last as it gives us a very normal and real (for this show anyway! lol)  There's already some awesome in-fighting as the central plot of this episode when the final warrior of the Five Fingers tries to convince Camille to turn against Dai Shi with him as he has failed so far to defeat the humans and conquer the world.  I mean seriously, Dai Shi hasn't much besides seat on his thrown since he's been back so I honestly don't blame Naja! O_0 We get an awesome extended fight sequence that leads to....the Pai Zhuq academy...with a pizza insignia on all the flags...ummmm huhhhhh???!! O_o Budget issues much??? Anyway, when Camille is defeated, Naja plans to get rid of her but he manages to escape as he plans to head to the city and dispose of the rangers himself as well as starting his own war against the humans.  Meanwhile, RJ is heading to some fishing convention to stop the fishermen from harming the fish and leaves Casey in charge despite Theo's no so subtle appointing of himself as the rightful boss in RJ's absence.  Of course, Casey not wanting to handle so much responsibility on his own, decides to make Fran, Theo and Lily co-managers with their own designated positions. just know where this story is heading as much as it is predictable, it proves to be rather fun as watching a bunch a teenagers responsible for a business is just fun because it is written as exactly what would happen if that happened in real life.  The 4 of them can't cooperate, rather boss each other around then do their job probably and it leads to lots of fighting and eventually Fran quitting on the job after being fed up with her co-workers.  About time! Poor Fran never gets break and it's only episode 7! O_O Sheesh!

Meanwhile, Camille chases after Naja and once again engage in a very lengthy and well choreographed fight that takes them from the woods to the shores of New Zea...I mean Ocean Bluff. After getting defeated once again, Naja tells Camille why is she being so loyal to Dai Shi when he doesn't even care about his subjects as well as her. Camille doesn't believe him as Naja retreats once again and a defeated Camille is confronted by Dai Shi as to why the traitor escaped.  While Camille tries to explain and tells him that she knows he cares for her, Dai Shi not so subtly plays along and tells her she needs to absorb more energy to defeat the rangers.  Of course, Camille thinks it will destroy her but does so to obey Dai Shi's order.  The dynamic that's being laid out between these two is starting to have hints of some gray and being potentially interesting...hmmmmm. :) Anyway, Camille calls out the rangers and they arrive to fight her on the shores again as she forces them to use their Claw Cannon to absorb multiple blasts from it.  While the rangers are at a lost as what she was doing after she retreats, Naja uses his special talon to resurrect two former Five Finger warriors: Gakko and Rantipede as he will use them to take over Dai Shi's palace...after destroying of course.  Unfortunately, Camille with her higher power is able to stop the three and Dai Shi transforms into his warrior form to fight Gakko and Rantipede while Camille once again fights Naja.  Dai Shi maybe a seat warmer so far this season, but he once again shows is a force to powerful to wrecked with as he destroys Rantipede so easily.  AS Gakko escapes, Camille chases after Naja again when he escapes.  Gakko, fearing Dai Shi's immense power, begins attacking the city to gain more power; forcing the rangers to arrive and defeat him all over again with their Claw Cannon this time.

Meanwhile, Camille and Naja once again enter a tough one on one battle where Camille is victorious this time with her heightened power.  But before she can destroy Naja, Dai Shi arrives to witness it all.  As it it seems Naja maybe swaying Camille to his side finally, Camille mercilessly destroys him after collecting three of his talons.  As she tries to show Dai Shi how victorious and loyal she is, he suddenly disappears.  The episode doesn't end any better with Dai Shi expressing more disdain toward Camille's affection toward him and brushes it off coldly as he expects nothing more from her than her loyal....OUCH!!! Overall, this was a pretty strong episode as it really made the villains properly interesting and entertaining as we see bit of an upheaval between them as well as setting up the complicated and complex relationship between Dai Shi and Camille.  The B-plot with the rangers wasn't bad either and I'm glad Fran got rewarded for covering for the rangers so much already by getting that raise from Casey. Nice! lol :)

Final Morph: B+ 


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