Season 11, Episode 12: Return of Thunder, Part 3

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"Return of Thunder, Part 3"
Episode 12
Air Date: April 26th, 2003

Part 3 starts off with the newly reformed Blake joining forces with the Wind Rangers of course after the events of art 2.  Finally we find out the name of the island they are on...but I didn't care enough to remember it! O_o lol  Blake tells them the island rises every 200 years and the quickly diminishing temperature is because of that as it is slowly sinking and will cause the destruction of the entire world unless they find some way to get off of it???  Okay!? O_o  Also, Blake takes a moment to tell the other rangers how he and Hunter became Thunder Rangers.  After their parents were killed by Lothor, the Sensei of the Thunder Ninja Academy soon adopted them and began training them.  The day Lothor attacked the school, the Sensei gave them their powers in a moment of desperation before Lothor captured them too.  Soon after, Lothor began telling them the lie about the Wind Rangers' Sensei killing their parents.....tho one wonders why Blake and Hunter would believe Lothor considering her literally destroyed their school and kidnapped everyone there looking back but whatever, let's not split hairs even if it doesn't make sense.  Meanwhile, Choobo confronts a raged out and mind controlled Hunter to continue to manipulate him into destroying the other rangers; especially Blake who he continues to say he betrayed him.  Lothor soon decides to send back up for Choobo in the form of Super Toxipod, who confronts the other four rangers.  After the four morph, they fight off Super Toxipod until the Wind Rangers form the Storm Striker and destroy him for the moment.

Soon after, the rangers find Hunter and Blake tries to reason with him.  But the effects of both the mind control and smoke on him has made him completely irrational to the point where he begins attacking Blake again.  While the Wind Rangers try to help, Choobo intervenes to keep them busy while Hunter and Blake fight.  I gotta say, I like how the director of the episode shows the psychological struggle of both brothers by showing them unmorphed between shots as Blake tries desperately to get through to Hunter.  It gives the episode an interesting look to it at certain moments as well as showing how deep Blake and Hunter's brotherhood is.  Eventually, Blake manages to break both the mind control and rage over Hunter to the point where he unmorphs and falls to the ground to Blake's shock. When Choobo realizes this, he goes after the two Thunder Rangers but the Wind Rangers attack and finish him off before Choobo....cowardly retreats......our villains this season guys!!! -_-  Anyway, when Blake hilariously wakes up his brother, Hunter soon acknowledges the Wind Rangers as...his "friends"...since when have they ever been friends tho??? O_o  Just cause the truth of their parents' murder was finally revealed to them, doesn't been both sets of rangers were on good terms so huh??? o_O

Anyway, Cam and the Sensei finally find the rangers on the island and Blake gives them idea to use the zords to escape the island.  Meanwhile, Lothor makes Choobo send down the scroll to make Super Toxipod grow and we get our first sequence of the Storm Megazord and Thunder Megazord working side by side.  It's a pretty awesome zord battle as both megazords finish off Super Toxipod for good with their individual spheres and power ups.  After the rangers escape the island as it sinks, Dustin and the brothers confront Hallie about Dustin missing before heading back to Ninja Oops so the Sensei and the other rangers can convince the two Thunder Rangers to stay.  Meanwhile, Chooboo is being scolded and told to leave the ship or Lothor will destroy him as Choobo is left alone and vowing vengeance on the Thunder Rangers.  Overall, another very solid part of this multi-episode arc. :)

Final Morph: A-


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