Season 12, Episode 34: Drawn Into Danger

Image result for dino thunder drawn into danger
"Drawn Into Danger"
Episode 34
Air Date: October 23rd, 2004

Like I said, what I really enjoy about this show (not to mention, this season in particular) is that the writers are really experimenting with the show and doing unconventional things with the technical aspects of the franchise that make the usual episode stand out and more refreshing.  We haven't had a Trent focused episode in a handful of episodes, so it's nice not only do we get one here again but a truly spectacular one that truly utilizes him well and explores his love for drawing, artistry and of course, comics! Carson Brady, a famous comic book artist, is in town for a sign and greet at Hayley's Cyberspace ( I guess that's just the hub of all things eventful in the city??? O_o) as Trent is so excited to meet one of, if not, his greatest idol(s) that inspired him to start drawing in the first place.  While Cassidy and Devin do their superhero shtick for this episode, Trent finally gets in front of the line to meet and really talk to Carson.  I love this scene as it gives more insight into Trent and his love for his art as well as builds up some character growth between him and his father.  Too bad, Elsa is up to no good and soon arrives there as Principal Randell to force Carson into taking a new pen from her as a special gift for him to draw with.  As we saw earlier, Elsa made the strange pen as some new plan to destroy the rangers as even Mesagog found the stench of it truly "putrid"!!! Muhahahaha!!! \_/ Anyway, that night, Carson becomes possessed by the pen to begin drawing his new comic and seems to not be able to stop until he falls asleep.  He wakes up in the morning, shocked and impressed by the drawing that he even goes to Trent to give him a copy before he heads out to quickly publish it.  Do new drawings for comics get published that early and quickly tho??? O_O *Stretches head*

But before I continue on, Tommy and the other teens are on the soccer field hanging out when suddenly they are transported into a comic styled world filled with panels and all.  I just love that Ethan is so excited about being trapped in a comic (so in character!) while Tommy makes a priceless throwaway line about being trapped in these type of alternate dimensions that time you and the original rangers got trapped on the island of illusion or that time you, Kimberly and Rocky got trapped in that storybook or the time the Zeo Rangers got trapped on various movie sets......good times huh Tommy? Good times! :P Anyway, what I really love is how visual striking the episode gets from there as we see vivid illustrations of rangers come to life as they confront a monster named Fridgia (Wow -_-) who tells them they better leave her kingdom since she rules over the land and will destroy them.  Luckily, the rangers can morph after she brutally attacks them and begin fighting her.  Which leads us to Trent discovering the rangers are trapped there as asks Hayley if they really could be trapped in there and considering all they've been through as rangers, not to mention have seen, I love how they both immediately know that must be the case.  What's worse is that the comic ends with Fridgia destroying rangers for good.  While Trent wonders why he wasn't drawn into the story, he quickly chases after Carson to stop him from publishing the comic as the four rangers are being thoroughly defeated by Fridgia.  When Trent finally runs into him, he begs Carson to not publish it but Carson is adament that this could be his best selling novel yet that Trent decides to reveal he's the White Ranger save his friends from being destroyed.  Awwww, it really is one of those moments that warrants revealing their identity and show how good Trent is once again despite all he's been through. Nice! After Carson is shocked by the reveal, he tells Trent about the special pen that possessed him to draw his comic and Trent quickly uses it to draw himself into one of the panel as he transports into the comic.

As Fridgia prepares to destroy the rangers, Trent arrives to save the day as he leads them in a Super Dino Mode  attack against her.  As all five rangers combine their powers to destroy her, Trent uses the combined power of he and the rangers' dino gems to destroy her for good; which frees all of them from the comic.  While the rangers thank Carson, they are quickly interrupted by Fridgia actually making it out of the comic as well.  While Carson goes to hide, the five continue their fight against her as Ethan and Kira give him enough power to go Triassic and Connor initializes his stupid battlizer with the stretch arm strong arms and fire induced leggings to finish her off for good.  The episode ends with Mesagog once again upset at Elsa's failure but her using the moment to make him want to get ride of which Mesagog drops and just threatens her life if she doesn't shut up! LOL  Anyway, Carson and Trent decide to work together on a new comic thanks to Carson seeing Trent's natural talent and of course, him knowing he's a ranger.  And it's also nice how we find out Anton Mercer funded the publishing of the comic as Trent sees just how much his father is starting to care about his personal desire to be an artist.  Nice! :)  Arbitrary comedic Devin and Cassidy conclusion is arbitrary!!! As usual! -_- But overall, "Drawn Into Danger" is an awesome detour from the usual confines of the show.  It takes the comic book stylized action of the genre and mixes it with the usual fun, filled over the top silliness of the show to create something refreshing and an remarkably entertaining change for once! :) Bravo!

Final Morph: A+


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