Season 11, Episode 17: The Samurai's Journey, Part 2

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"The Samurai's Journey, Part 2"
Episode 17
Air Date: May 31st, 2003

I have to say, that Part 2 of "The Samurai's Journey" is truly where Ninja Storm has not only reach it's peak, but hit its stride in terms of its whimsical tone mixed with a much more darker and serious storyline where the stakes are brought to an all time high as we get an very emotionally charged episode just as much as an action packed one.  I love how the past slowly unravels in front of Cam as the storytelling here is practically brilliant here.  Turns out after a brief battle with the mysterious Ninja Academy Student, it turns out to Cam's father, as a young teen when his Sensei breaks up the fight to invite Cam to join the school give his impressive knowledge of the Academy fighting techniques.  Jason Chan really out does himself here and gives his best performance of the series as Cam naturally reacts and engrossing himself during the past as his parentage like his badass young mother, Miko, who turned out to be the very first female student at the Ninja well as finding out his father had a twin brother named Kiya, he never knew about.  I got to give young Daniel Sing credit for making the distinction between both brothers in his two separate performances.  I just really like even the simple touches of Kanoi being just as tardy and irresponsible with his ninja training like Tori, Dustin and Shane as well as learning how truly evil his twin brother Kiya was.  Hard to believe...but Kiya is a young Lothor and I'm always utterly SHOCKED by this unforeseen turn of events.  Honestly, what's so baffling isn't the reveal itself but the fact Lothor seemed so serious, sinister, even scary at times when he was younger.  Maybe it has more to do with Daniel Sing's performance or how the writers depicted a pre-Lothor Lothor but it's a shame how such a strong villain ultimately turned into such a sorry excuse for a sitcom dad on a spaceship in the main timeline! -_-

Anyway, the heart of the episode tho, is Cam's inner conflict, especially when he knows his mother holds the key to the power he needs to bring back to the present aka the Samurai necklace.  I really enjoyed the bits between Cam and Miko as both actors committed to the underlying emotion behind that beautiful scene of the two walking together, getting to know each other and Cam feeling a sense of overwhelming joy at his young mother being proud of her without even knowing it.  Just truly excellent, nuanced writing that feels earned because of Cam and how much his character has grown; shown to be so determined and managing to bond with a mother he never really new.  Wonderful stuff!  This episode is also one of the best in terms of action as the elaborate, effects filled battle between Cam and Kiya were just awesome. Stunning visuals and solid choreography all around once again from a show that doesn't get enough credit in that department.  After the Samurai amulet chooses Cam and helps him beat Kiya, the Sensei from the past quickly banishes him to the depths of space for using dark ninja magic to infiltrate the school and steal from a student.  Of course, Cam, quickly realizing Kiya is the future Lothor, tries to stop the Sensei, but he sends Kiya flyin away into the atmosphere before swearing vengeance on his brother.  Jesus dude, I know your reasons for doing that made sense as well as not being sure of what the future may hold, but maybe listen to the mysterious new student with new powerful necklace who just saved your ass??? -_-  Anyway, the Scroll of Time has finally ran out of time and Cam must go back to the present...before a quick, heartfelt goodbye to his mother. Awwwww. :(

Meanwhile in the present, Guinea Pig the Sensei has transported the rangers to safety at Ninja Ops, but as time beings to start where it left off, they are transported back to where Madtropolis was about to kill them...when a new and frankly awesome new zord arrives out of no where...piloted by a new ranger!!! Yes, it's ya boy Cam and he's about to handle that ass with a head banding rock sound track as the Green Samurai Ranger and his new Samurai Star Megazord.  Seriously, this sequence is just BADASS as Cam destroys Madtropolis with ease and soon reveals himself to his friends who can't seem to figure out it's him except for Tori...JESUS!!! It's a great coda on the episode that ends on a joyous, hopeful note....yet there's a Part 3 strangely, when you would think the multiparter would end here...hmmmmm??? O_o  None the less, this was a spectacular episode in almost every way!!! Outside the modern day nonsense of Lothor's dumbass nieces looking for a new monster to destroy the world....during a talent show they host, everything else about this episode was enormously spot on! Filled with the right mix of vibrant energy this season has been emitted and the more soul searching, character building story of Cam's personal, heroic journey to save the present and unknowingly facing a past he never knew about.  Undoubtedly, Ninja Storm's finest (half) hour so far! :)

Final Morph: A+


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